
How to use Linkedin Ads Types to Grow Your B2B SaaS Company

LinkedIn is the best social media to advertise your B2B SaaS. Its lead conversion rates are 3 times higher than in other ad platforms . There are many ad types on LinkedIn. In this article, we will discuss different types of LinkedIn ads and how they can be used to grow your B2B SaaS.

Message Ads

It may sound plausible that reaching out directly to the prospects’ inbox is effective. However, it is not often so. Your prospects may deem this practice intrusive and disregard your message. Still, the ones who answer will likely become the customers of your B2B SaaS.

Text Ads

This type is fast and easy to create; however, don’t expect overwhelming results from it. It is of great use for growing B2B SaaS companies with low funds. Also, it is efficient for testing messaging. If a text ad greatly resonates, you can use it in an image ad to make it even more appealing to your target audience.

Single Image Ads

This type of ad is easy to produce. You can hire a graphic designer to make the ad image for you or try out your own skills in apps like Canva. But keep in mind that your image should be eye-catching. Also, don’t put a lot of information on it because you will lose the attention of many prospects of your B2B SaaS.

Carousel Ads

Simple logic dictates: the more effort – the more engagement. However, in practice, it doesn’t always work this way. You can spend three or four times as many resources on a carousel ad as on one picture, but your single image ad would still bring more leads to your B2B SaaS. But that doesn’t mean that carousel ads never pay off. Sometimes a good picture story shoots straight into your prospects’ heart.

Video Ads

This type of ad requires a lot of resources, although there is a great chance that they will pay off. Video ads are estimated to be 3 times more effective than text ads . An additional feature of this type of ad is the ability to retarget the audience. LinkedIn saves your video ad viewers in history so that you can target them in your upcoming campaigns.

Chatbot Ads

There are the benefits of learning your target audience better with this ad type. You can provide various journeys for them with the ultimate goal of generating leads for your B2B SaaS. However, this ad type has some downsides. Firstly, it requires many resources, and secondly, not all of your prospects would have the wish and time to engage with it.

Spotlight Ads

This type is unique for LinkedIn Ads. Your prospects will get a dynamic and personalized ad generalized automatically by LinkedIn. If they click on the ad, they will be transferred directly to your B2B SaaS. This type is among the most effective ones.

To conclude, there are various types of LinkedIn ads that can be used to grow your B2B SaaS. We’ve discussed the pros and cons of each of them. However, it’s after you to choose the one appealing the most to your B2B SaaS marketing strategy.

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