Sales Tech Stack of the Top VPs of Sales in SaaS

Previously I shared a big list of sales technologies – “Sales Tools to Scale More Efficiently – Sales Technology Stack 2019”. And here are the most common 2019 sales tech I’ve used and have seen my VP of Sales / CRO peers use effectively to increase productivity and…

Sales Team Development: Key Selling Skills to Coach Your Reps

Here is a comprehensive list I’ve used to develop my sales teams:   Prospecting Outbound Calling Skills Email Prospecting Inbound Lead Prospecting Capitalizing on peak selling time and knowing the peak times Understands key prospecting insights Prospecting into inbound leads Developing Multi-touch & Multi-channel prospecting cadence Effective LinkedIn…

Planning & Developing a Sales Strategy

In a prior article, I wrote about what companies should include in a Strategic Plan which focuses on the Corporate Strategy. Of course, the right sequence requires the executives to craft their Corporate Strategy first (i.e. should be planned and finalized first before any other business functions craft…

Sales Effectiveness & Growth Drivers

The sales function at any company is very complex. A successful sales organization is the result of many variegated factors which are directly affected and also indirectly influenced by the sales leaders of those organization (i.e. a EVP or VP of Sales or the CRO – the executive…

Consulting on Business Performance Through Sales & Marketing Improvements

We’re focused on improving your company’s overall business performance through sales and marketing improvements. This includes customer insights, sales strategy, GTM, operations and even technology enablement. Together, we will develop strategies and then implement them to help you grow your revenue and expand your market share efficiently and…

Summary – How to Audit Your Sales Capability & Strength

Our expertise is in problem-solving and troubleshooting your sales growth to identify the key growth levers and accelerate value-creation.  We leverage years of experience combined with emerging best practices to deliver optimal performance to help you attain and outperform your sales targets. We also have had a broad…

The 3x Sales Pipeline Coverage Ratio Is Wrong

Some CROs / VPs of Sales (typically with lack of experience) tell their teams that to have 3x in the Pipeline (in terms of $ value) or 3x of the quota target / sales bookings goal. But this is a mistake. It’s not only a generalized way of…