The “MAP” in your Go-to-Market Plan

If you are a CEO, a VP of Sales or a VP of Marketing thinking about accelerating revenue growth, you need to invest in clearly defining your Go-to-Market Strategy.  One of the key aspects of scaling is making sure you understand it clearly. A Go-to-Market Strategy (aka “GTM“) is…

Building Teams: The Fallacy of Industry Experience

Don’t make the common mistake of making a specific industry experience a key factor when building sales teams, hiring sales reps or sales executives.  It’s called “The Fallacy of Industry Experience” and is well described here in the Harvard Business Review article “What Makes a Good Salesman”: “Many…

Revenue Growth: Lead Generation is the #1 Lever to Drive Revenue Growth

If you read “From Impossible To Inevitable: How Hyper-Growth Companies Create Predictable Revenue“, you probably remember one of the first top takeaways when Jason Lemkin and Aaron Ross wrote in their best-seller: “Lead generation is the #1 lever that drives revenue growth, and can create hypergrowth. You’ve been trying to…

A Simple 6-Step Management System For Any Executive

When an executive is looking for a way to simplify how they manage their company or a business unit, I recommend the following system that I’ve used consistently over the years. You can use the following simplified 6-step Management System to run a business function and it covers…

Building Teams: Creating a Successful Organizational Culture

A couple of years ago I wrote “What is a Company Culture and why CEOs must care?“.  There I mentioned that there is no universal definition of an organizational culture.  But how can we then define culture? Let’s start with Wikipedia – Wikipedia defines Organizational Culture as follows: a company…

Organizational Issues That Prevent Effective Leadership

There are several problems that organizations face with a typical/average manager based on research published in the Harvard Business Review.  It turns out that many “leaders” are actually not able to perform a leadership function effectively.  It is a real obstacle for companies if someone who is supposed…