
Podcast Questions for Great Business Insights & Conversations

We listen to a number of great podcasts.  Over time, we have put together a couple of podcast questions we find interesting to ask guests:

  • What is your superpower(s) / your expertise?
  • What 1-3 pieces of advice can you share that you know a lot about and can really move the needle for everyone?
  • What is your leadership style?
  • How do you build high-performing teams?  How do you recruit A-Players? How do you make sure that the team is bigger than the sum of its parts?
  • What’s the biggest challenge the VP of Sales role has and what is your advice to overcome it?
  • What is a common myth about being a VP of Sales that you want to dispell?
  • What is one or a few most interesting insights you’ve learned or advice you’ve received in the recent past that is worth sharing here?
  • What’s an area (related to sales or GTM) you are really curious about and why?
  • What are some of the most important things you learned in your career?
  • On a “must-have” scale of 1-10 – what sales tech do you rank as a 10 and can’t work without?
  • What do you wish you had known when you started out?
  • What are a few books you’ve read recently that you recommend to others in Sales or Marketing / GTM & as a bonus what is the 1 key takeaway from each?
  • What should I ask you that I didn’t get to ask?
  • Rapid-fire questions:
    • Who are the three people who helped you the most in our industry?
    • What is something new that you want to learn (outside of your work)?
    • What would do differently or change if you could go back to the beginning of your career?
    • If you could have dinner with any 2-3 people outside of your family, dead or alive – who would it be and why?


What else?  What are some other podcast questions you’d like to ask CEOs, CROs or other Sales or Go-to-Market Executives to learn from them?