
Building Winning Sales Teams: Become a Great Evaluator of Talent

For a CRO or VP of Sales to be truly great, they must first be great at recruiting and building winning sales teams.  And that starts with first becoming a great evaluator of talent.

If you’re not there yet, you should learn how to identify talent when others totally can’t see it.

  • You should learn how to identify the hidden gems that recruiters are not going after
  • Learn how to quickly find great players before others
  • Learn to find the players who will fit into your system
  • Find raw talent and them have systems to make them great in a reasonably fast time
  • Learn how to hire for attitude and train for aptitude (something most companies, for some reason, end up reversing)

Here are a couple of steps to start become a great evaluator of talent:

  1. First, develop a good System for hiring the right candidates with the right fit who will perform at a high level
  2. Operationalize your recruiting in a systematic and scientific way to position yourself to be effective in hiring
  3. Hire well by understanding “Teachables vs. Unteachables” – hire for Unteachables and teach them the Teachables
  4. Know exactly what criteria to hire for – use a Recruiting Scorecard and you will be more Objective in hiring
  5. When you begin to identify raw talent, you can hire them for attitude and capability, but then train for selling skills

These first 5 steps will help you get better on the path to being a great evaluator of talent because much of it is systematic and not based on intuition. If you put the Recruiting scorecard combined with some of these other recruiting systems and processes then you will become much more effective in evaluating and building winning sales teams.